
0.99 usd

This is our latest EMF and Vibration Detection Ghost Hunting Application for Paranormal Communications. It uses our Latest ( NO CALIBRATION ) Code, that makes jumping right in for anyone Simple. This app works with Both Devices that Have A Magnetometer and Devices that do not. However, if you device does not have a Magnetometer. Then you will see a message saying your device does not have one and the EMF Functions will be disabled to prevent any False Negatives.Also, if you see this message and your device has a Magnetometer. Then you know you need to Demagnetize your Device. Then simply press the REFRESH BUTTON. How to Demagnetize your Device: app has Both Proximity Beep and Ghost Box audio ( V3Audio ). V3Audio is reversed Garbled audio that has been used by our Supporters and Paranormal Investigators, for over 5 years now. The Audio is Reversed Garbled Chopped up speech. This is to prevent words from coming through that are not from the Spirit you are trying to communicate with. The audio is simply to power your devices speaker and should not be listened to as Spirit audio. You want to listen for Actual Speech in the spirits Language. Basically, if you Hear," HELLO, MY NAME IS BRIAN!" Then that was the spirit. However, you will hear the garbled V3audio in the background at the same time. The Onscreen Radar has both North and South Poles Displayed. When an Electromagnetic Field is detected. You will see LEDS, Power Levels and a PUSH ( POSITIVE FIELD ) or PULL ( NEGATIVE FIELD ) of the Compass Needle. This is to let you know in what Direction the Field is coming from. By Default, if no field is detected. Then your Compass needle in this app will face NORTH!This app also feature Vibration Detection as mentioned earlier. When using Vibration Detection ( VIB. ). Make sure to have your device sitting on a Flat Surface that has no vibrations already ( NO CAR HOOD with Engine running ). When a Vibration is Detected. The App will BEEP ( GHOST BOX AUDIO OFF ) or the V3Audio will start ( Ghost Box Audio ON ). You will also see a BLUE LED and Animated Graphics over the Speaker of a Spinning Static Ball ( RADAR OFF ).For more Information or Help, Please Visit our Facebook group and Mention This application in your own post. We will be glad to help you or provide you with more information. LINK: you for your support and amazing Evidence shared over the years.